Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My ELEVEN Commandments (for Happiness)

I've been reading Gretchen Rubin's blog every day for about a month, and following her suggestion (and the encouragement from Ginger after I read her post), I am going to post my list of Happiness Commandments.

Gretchen suggests that we develop a list of commandments to help us strive for happiness in our daily lives. They should be lofty goals, but not task-oriented. They should be simple and not too comprehensive. And they don't necessarily have to make sense to anyone but you, since you are the one who has to follow them.

I have already been reciting these to myself daily, and trying to live by them. Most recently, I have been working on number 8, Don't Complain. I asked The Husband to help me become a runner, and for the first few days I complained the entire route: about how I hate getting up early, and it was hot, and I was tired, and I couldn't manage it. Poor guy--he stuck with me anyway.

In an effort to keep my running coach from abandoning me, I decided complaining wasn't helping anyone, and so I added this one to my list of happiness commandments. It has definitely made the runs more pleasant for him, and I discovered if I didn't complain so much, I had more energy to complete the run. Go figure.

Without further ado...

My Happiness Commandments

  1. Remember what is important.
  2. Be honest.
  3. Don't compare myself to others.
  4. Soak it up.
  5. Be creative.
  6. Say no.
  7. Be content, not complacent.
  8. Don't complain.
  9. Think moderation.
  10. Let go.
  11. Follow through. (added 7-31-08)

I hope to be able to blog about following these commandments, or at least about the consequences when I do not. I'd like to hear about YOUR happiness commandments, as well; if you write some, let me know.

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